
Conjunction adalah kata sambung yang berfungsi menghubungkan dua kalimat, kata, frase atau lebih. Beberapa bentik conjunction adalah :
a.       Besides (preposisi)
Semakna dengan ‘in addition to’ yang berarti ‘lagi pula’, ‘selain’  yang berfungsi menambah informasi. Kata ini mengawali noun/promoun/gerund.
Ex :
besides doing the cooking, I look after the garden.
Besides this house, Fini has a beach home.
Besides being good at sport, Setiawan is a good student.
Besides (adverb)
Berarti ‘lagi pula’ , mengawali klausa. I can’t go now, I am busy. Besides, my passport is out of date.
Ex : Fitri doesn’t  want to go, besides she has already been there.
Kata ‘moreover’ bisa menggantikan ‘besides’ dalam situasi yang formal.

b.      However (namun demikian)
Mengawali kata sifat/kata keterangan. Pernyataan yang diawali ‘however’ berkontradiksi dengan pernyataan lainnya.
Ex : You couldn’t earn much, however hard you work.
However semakin semakna dengan ‘but’ , ‘nevertheless’ yang mana sering mengawali suatu kalimat.
I’d like to go; however, I don’t have the time.

c.       Otherwise (sebaliknya, kalau tidak)
Menyatakan kemungkinan akibat yang tidak diharapkan kalau pernyataan sebelumnya/lainnya tidak terpenuhi.
Ex : We must be early; otherwise, we won’t  get seat.
Conjunction ‘or’ bisa menggantikan kedudukan otherwise, selain menyatakan pilihan.
Ex : You go with me, or you stay here alone.

d.      So (sehingga, oleh karena itu, maknanya)
Menunjukkan akibat yang terjadi dari pernyataan sebelumnya.
Ex : Our cases were too heavy, so we took a taxi.
Apabila ‘so’ mengawali kata sifat (adjective)/adverb (keterangan) ‘so’ harus dirangkai dengan kata ‘that’ dan membentuk arti ‘begitu..., sehingga...’
Ex : They ran so fast that I couldn’t beat them. (I couldn’t beat them because they ran fast).

e.      Therefore (oleh karenanya)
Therefore mengawali kalimat yang menunjukkan akibat dalam suatu kalimat sebab-akibat.
Ex : There is fog at Chicago; Therefore, the place has been diverted.
Conjunction consequently hampir sama dengan ‘therefore’.

f.        Still dan Yet
Sebagai conjunction mempunyai arti sama yaitu ‘namun’ menunjukkan sesuatu yang kontradiksi.
Ex : They are ugly and expensive; yet/still, people buy them.

g.       Though/although , inspite of/despite (walaupun)
Menunjukkan kalimat yang bertentangan. Although selamanya diikuti klausa sedangkan inspite of/despite mengawali frase (noun/pronoun/gerund).
Ex :
Though/although he had no qualification, he got the job.
In spite of having no qualification, he got the job.
Although it was windy, he continued the cruise.
Inspite of/despite the wind, he continued the cruised.

h.      - For (optional), because, since, as (karena)
 Digunakan dalam kalimat sebab-akibat
Ex : Since/because it was wet, he took a tax, the days were short, for/since it was not December.
- Pattern
Because / as/ since + clause (S+ V + obj)
Because of 
due to                   + phrase (noun phrase/ obj/ gerund/ pronoun)
Ex :
Because I found out that not all the workshop participants knew about today’s schedule, I got my secretary to distribute it right away.
Because of urgent appoinment with the doctor, I couldn’t lend you my car.

i.         As/ when/ while (ketika, tatkala, sementara)
Menunjukkan waktu saat terjadinya sesuatu.
Ex : My father came as/ when I was studying.
Namun terkadang ‘as’ bisa bermakna ganda: tatkala atau karena.
Ex : As student, he had known great proverty.

j.        And (dan)
Menggabungkan dua buah kata atau kalimat klausa yang mempunyai bentuk dan d=fungsi setara.
Ex :
I know Dody as awfully loyal employee and a very hard worker.
He tried to preserve the environment for future generation by purifying the air and replanting forest.
He took my injured brother and called my parents.

k.       Where as (padahal)
Ex : She can’t travel where as she has a lot of money.

  1. The hotel provides good facilities still my wife ...
    a.       Has enjoyed staying there
    b.      Has her friends move to this hotel
    c.       Has prolonged her stay there
    d.      Has so much to complain about
  2. ___ Andi loves Amel very much, he always pretends to ignore her. 
    a.       Besides
    b.      Even though
    c.       Despite
    d.      Moreover
  3.  He said that he had spent all his money on books, ___ , he could have taken his girlfriend to a good restaurant. 
    a.       Because
    b.      Until
    c.       So that
    d.      While
  4. My friend doesn’t earn much, ___ he can afford to make a trip abroad.
    a.       Moreover
    b.      Furthermore
    c.       However
    d.      While
  5. The witness suspect wanted to tell the police the truth ___ he was afraid.
    a.       So
    b.      Otherwise
    c.       Neverthless
    d.      Therefore
  6. ___ he is a successful bussinesman, he always lacks money.
    a.       While
    b.      Since
    c.       Although
    d.      Because
Source :
Ganesha Operation. 2010. “REVOLUSI BELAJAR : KODING”. Bandung : Ganesha Operation.


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